Samsung Electronics Saudi Arabia has partnered with Snapchat to generate awareness and excitement around the launch of the new Galaxy Note20 smartphones. Leveraging the power of Snapchat’s portfolio of video formats, Samsung ran a variety of creative, tailored to fit the needs of each phase of the campaign.
The campaign was a huge success, driving remarkable results. The multi format, full funnel approach gave the audience a holistic perspective of Galaxy Note20, particularly in the 25-34 age group which had a +11pt uplift in brand favorability. Not only that, but the campaign also drove action intent for an incremental 401,000 people, costing $0.21 for each person influenced, and an incremental 521,000 people who are now aware of the Galaxy Note20, costing $0.16 for each person influenced. All in all, with this amazing impact, the campaign has generated +9pt in ad awareness, +8pt in product awareness, and +7pt in action intent, explains the agency.
“Snapchat is committed to providing brands with the most innovative tools that help them strengthen their brand image and diversify the ways they engage with their target audiences. Our successful collaboration with Samsung underlines how brands can leverage our suite of video solutions along with our Dynamic Ads for ecommerce to achieve outstanding results across the different phases of the campaign,” commented Rasha El Ghoussaini,Group Vertical Lead, Snap Inc, MENA.
Launched regionally, the campaign says to bring awareness to the new device by using Snap ads as teasers, commercials for the launch and Dynamic Ads to drive conversion.
Anas Charif, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Samsung Electronics Saudi Arabia said, “Using a variety of creative video formats, we’ve managed to build greater awareness of the Galaxy Note20 in the region. We are extremely pleased with the results we’ve achieved. Our collaboration with Snapchat has shed light on the significant role that mobile video is increasingly playing in shaping the future of customer experiences.”