With the official launch of Facebook Workplace, Global Web Index explores the demographics of its most likely users – those who fall into the ‘Work Networkers’ audience from its new social media segmentation. LinkedIn’s solid foundations in the work-related networking space present a formidable challenge for Facebook Workplace. Outside of China, over a third of all internet users visit LinkedIn each month, and this rises dramatically among Work Networkers to more than six in 10. LinkedIn has also seen impressive year-on-year growth since 2012.
Even so, Facebook has reach on its side. Over eight in 10 outside of China visit Facebook each month, meaning that many of those it hopes might use the new service will already be familiar with the site’s user interface and functionality.
In today’s multi-networking world, however, it’s unlikely that most users will choose one or the other. That’s especially true given that the prime demographics for work-related networking – 25-44s and men – are also among the most prolific multi-networkers. So, Facebook Workplace is most likely to become another service that people use, rather than a replacement for an existing one.