Data Point: Cinemagoers’ Influence On Social Buzz

During the 2018 Academy Awards this weekend, social media is expected to be awash with #Oscars as internet users take to the platforms to follow and participate in the chat.

Of all the topics tracked by GlobalWebIndex, ‘cinemagoers’ are most likely to be posting opinions about films online. Each month, a quarter of this segment does, with the youngest cinemagoers being the most enthusiastic reviewers (3 in 10 are 16-24s). And social is more than likely to be the go-to place for those wanting to share — 100 percent visited a social platform last month, with about half saying a main reason for using social is to share their opinion.

The influence of the social media buzz created by cinemagoers will be most powerful during awards season. Their opinions will help shape the hype online for new audiences motivated to support the titles on social, or visit the cinema to see what the fuss is all about for the winning names.

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