GITEX Technology Week is the biggest tech show in the Middle East, North Africa & South Asia. If you are an exhibitor this year, then you should know how leverage this opportunity and position yourself as a thought leader in the industry. If you are unsure about how to make this happen, on the back of our 17 years of GITEX experience, we’ve compiled a list of five tips to make the platform more impactful for your brand.
#1. Build Right Relations
Let’s be real. There are approximately 147 THOUSAND exhibitors at the event and the numbers keep increasing every year. Even if you have the most groundbreaking technology, do not expect media to approach you if they are not familiar with who you are. It is absolutely necessarily to build strong relations with key journalists, so you are no longer a stranger in their minds. A pre-GITEX informal dinner where you can engage in meaningful discussions will help you develop this connection.
#2. Be Prepared
If you are expecting positive media coverage during GITEX, you need to be prepared to talk to journalists. You should know how to convey your brand’s message in a short period of time. It is absolutely necessary to be media trained on the tricks that journalists use to pull information out of spokespeople. Knowing the Middle Eastern culture, understanding current trends and knowing how to piggyback on them are PR tools that you need in your GITEX kit. You need to know the journalists you are talking to and the stories they recently covered while having a thorough knowledge about the current market state.
#3. Announce Your Presence
If you are expecting to sign new business contracts at GITEX, then you need to announce your presence before the event through a press release. Not only will this let your partners, stakeholders and potential customers know that you are an exhibitor, but it will also notify journalists that you have a unique message. Weaving your messaging in the press release will partially help you position your brand while telling potential customers what you are offering and how is it different from what’s already on the market.
#4. Capitalise On Social Media
GITEX Technology Week gives you a golden opportunity to enhance your social media strategy. However, your campaign needs to be well thought through and planned in advance so that all you need to do during the event is publish your posts. A simple yet consistent social media presence can raise awareness about your brand and position you as a leader in the industry.
#5 Life After GITEX
So, what happens after you have made it in the news, signed new business contracts and got your media coverage during the event? You need to continue your communications efforts. It is not a good idea to build so much awareness around your brand and the suddenly offer radio silence to the media. If you really want to maintain your position as a thought leader then you need to keep the momentum and have a post-GITEX communications strategy in place. The last thing you want to do is to vanish from the scene after a successful event.
As a brand, you need to be prepared with a communications plan before, during and after GITEX Technology Week. If you really want to stand out from the 147 thousand+ exhibitors, you need to know your journalists well and be trained to talk to the media. Being up to speed with the culture, industry trends and market state are all important factors to having an excellent interview at GITEX. It is equally important to build media relations with the journalists before the event to stay on top of their minds.