Edmond Moutran, also renowned as the man who created many ‘firsts’ has passed away at the age of 77. In 1984, he began his own agency, Middle East Marketing and Communications (MEMAC).
Mr Moutran was said to be the first Lebanese advertising professional to work and open shop in the Arabian Gulf.
Mr Moutran has worked tirelessly to grow his small agency into a business of formidable force that continuously innovated and drove the industry forward. His outstanding entrepreneurial and leadership skills along with his drive to do well for the industry speak volume of his passion for advertising, which has earned him much respect and admiration from his peers.
The partnership between Memac has said to transformed Memac Ogilvy into one of the network’s most influential and important markets.
Arabian Marketer team extends its condolences to Mr Moutran’s close and greater family. May his soul rest in eternal peace.