André Pereira Nassar, Regional Executive Creative Director of Leo Burnett Dubai, is leaving the agency after more than five years to pursue other opportunities. Leo Burnett is in the process of finding a replacement. In the interim, the creative department of Leo Burnett UAE & Lower Gulf will be overseen by Bechara Mouzannar, Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett MEA.
“We are truly sad to see Andréleave us but we respect his desire to pursue other opportunities after nearly five and a half years with the agency,” said Kamal Dimachkie, Chief Operating Officer at Publicis Communications MEA.
“He brought accolades to the agency during the course of his tenure and was instrumental in attracting key talent within the agency’s creative team, which has been influential in producing an exceptional level of creative work. We wish André the very best for his future and he will be missed by the Leo Burnett family,” he added.
During the course of his time at Leo Burnett Dubai, Mr Nassar contributed to creative efforts that won more than 50 awards worldwide and in the region; the most notable of these being three Grand Prix in film, interactive and integrated at Dubai Lynx, as well as five Cannes Lions.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my long stint at Leo Burnett and I’m truly grateful for the opportunities that have come my way,” Mr Nassar said. “During the course of my tenure we have won various accolades for the agency, as well as several pieces of key business. I am particularly proud of the team that I leave behind and I am confident that, in the years to come, Leo Burnett will continue to produce groundbreaking creative work that impacts clients’ businesses,” he added.