To kickoff this year’s Mother’s Day in the Middle East, Middle East retailer Babyshop, along with its agency, FP7 DXB, has created a new Arabic word – Al Umobuwah.
Arabic contains a variety of words that stem from paternal-centered roots, including the word for ‘parenthood’. Written ‘ةوبالا’ and pronounced ‘Al Obuwah’, it translates into ‘fatherhood’, omitting mention of the mother.
To represent a brand that stands for ‘Celebrating Parenthood’, the agency worked with a team of Arabic linguists to introduce a new Arabic word to include mothers and fathers. ‘ةوبومألا’, pronounced ‘Al Umobuwah’ translates into ‘Motherhood & Fatherhood’, and gives both parents equal representation in the word.
With the introduction of Al Obuwah, Babyshop aims to recognize and celebrate mothers not just for Mother’s Day, but for every other day.
An online video launched to share the idea and purpose behind the campaign, features people who have embraced and used the word. Over 30 influencers have signed onto the idea and will be sharing it across their social media platforms. The word will also be shared across schools. A new clothing line titled ‘Al Umobuwah’ has been launched for toddlers, infants, kids, teens and adults with a show planned to introduce the collection.
What Influencers Say About Al Umobuwah
Ruba Al Amrii – ‘rubaalamrii’
“كون الانثى أم لازم تكون مستوعبه انها جنه ، انها نصف الحياة ، أنها فصل الربيع ، وقطرة المطر للارض القاحلة، ف إبتسمي على امومتك فاانتي ليست نصف الحياة بل كل الحياة”
“Al Umobuwah – For a woman to be a mom she should know that she is precious, that she is life, she is spring, and the drop of rain to the barren land, so smile to your motherhood, as you are not half of life but all of life”
Elsie Jbeily –‘elsie.jbeily’
“Al Umobuwah is a word of appreciation for all the devotion and sacrifice mothers do to raise future generations of love and care!”
Nevine Zaki – ‘nevine.zaki’
“Al Umobuwah word has become so precious to me and so close to my heart. Every time I use it, I feel I’m thanking my mom for who she is and what she’s done for me. Our moms are precious gems, and they deserve to be appreciated with a unique word that gives them their right and place in the word ‘parenthood’.”
The campaign will include in-store and out-of-store interactive experiences, to get people acquainted with the word, eventually aimed at getting this word into the Arabic dictionary.