As luxury players grow their digital presence, which luxury brands are really getting through to onliners. Global Web Index tracked a range of luxury brands, asking digital consumers which brands they are aware of, have bought recently and would recommend. To quantify attitudes towards these brands even further, it completed a special study into consumers’ perceptions of luxury brands.
A look at the leading brands for each of the brand perceptions puts Chanel in the top spot for ‘quality’ – helped by the classic and timeless nature and positioning of the brand. Elsewhere, it’s clear that Armani has successfully placed itself as a high-status brand, coming out top for ‘prestigious’.
RayBan is perceived to be the coolest of the luxury brands – perhaps to be expected given that its glasses are often donned by the biggest celebrities. Almost 40 percent of consumers select RayBan, giving it a lead over big names like Gucci, Chanel, Armani and Hugo Boss. It’s also interesting that RayBan is the brand that consumers are most likely to recommend.