Good, Cheap, Fast – Applicable In Creativity Too: David Lubars, BBDO

David Lubars-lynx

Achieving more in a digital age is the mantra because there are those few examples that are demonstrating what can be done. But how much more is enough? The takeaway from the President’s Address at Dubai Lynx International Festival of Creativity featuring David Lubars, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer, BBDO was that boundaries can be pushed harder.

If good, fast and cheap, takeaway from a 50’s movie initiative from Jean-Luc Godard, was possible then, what holds it back today. “We need a mindset shift. Brands cannot give agencies time today and the constraints are on budgets as well. The onus is on us to give them a lot of good stuff, cheaply and quickly. We need to break it down and approach it in a different way to achieve this shift,” Mr Lubars said.

In the instance of Jean-Luc Godard, the good-fast-cheap mantra was borne out of lack of options. He was a film critic, who decided to make a film. While he tried a few shots, since he had no history nobody wanted to fund the venture. So he tried new things to make the movie and the movie he made ‘Breathless’ was a success.

“If a movie could be made then with virtually no budgets, when a client says today that doesn’t have money, we have to see how it is still possible to find solutions. Especially given the technology at our disposal today,” Mr Lubars stated.

Mr Lubars highlighted two key points for the audience – when they go back to their agencies, they should actively seek to change conventions, and instead of saying ‘it’s terrible’, the challenge should be seen as a new opportunity in creativity.

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