As Cannes Lions 2016 draws near, forecasts on award-winning campaigns are already thriving in the advertising industry. While the admen love to debate on ads, and guess on the ads that they think will be rewarded at Cannes Lions, ‘Guess The Lions’ has brought a unique opportunity for them to predict and at the same time put a stake on their beliefs.
‘Guess The Lions’ is a betting website, created by 3 French ad lovers, that challenges admen’s creative flair, while raising funds to finance campaigns for NGOs. “Often considered as egocentric or bling-bling, especially in the splendour of Cannes, admen can now restore their image with their science! Forecasts-lovers for the most of them, they did not have the opportunity to put a stake on their beliefs. Now, Guess The Lions gives them the opportunity, while helping NGOs to communicate.” This is what led the 3 French ad lovers Mehdi Boussouis, Matthieu Etienne and Jérémy Froideval to come up with this charity project.
Several CEOs and CCOs have shared their prediction on this website, including Memac Ogilvy Dubai’s Executive Creative Director Ramzi Moutran.
Mr Moutran’s top 5 favorites at Cannes include campaigns from across the globe, including one from Memac Ogilvy Dubai. The campaigns that he has predicted will be recognized at Cannes Lions include:
1. Burger King – McWhopper (by Y&R New York)
2. Swedish Tourist Association – The Swedish Number (by Ingo Stockholm)
3. Microsoft – Survival Billboard (by McCANN London)
4. IKEA – It’s That Affordable (by Memac Ogilvy Dubai)
5. Momondo – The DNA Journey (by &Co)
Other industry experts who have taken part in ‘Guess The Lions’ include Peter Ampe (DDB Brussels), Edson Athayde (FCB Lisbon), Emrah Akay (MullenLowe Istanbul), Jon Lavin (McCANN Madrid), Ramzi Moutran (Ogilvy Dubaï), Jesus Revuelta (Ogilvy Costa Rica), Exequiel Rodriguez (RG2 Caracas), Pascal Nessim (Marcel Paris) and Ari Weiss (BBH New York).
At the end of the festival, best gamblers will be rewarded with many creative gifts provided by partners of the project, and the funds raised will finance NGOs’ campaigns through ACT Responsible association.