Mobile Advtg To Overtake Desktop In 2018: ZenithOptimedia


In 2018, mobile advertising will overtake desktop and account for 50.2 percent of all internet advertising, as per ZenithOptimedia Advertising Expenditure forecast.

Mobile advertising will total USD 114 billion in 2018, up from USD 50 billion in 2015, and will be larger than all other media except for television.

Mobile advertising is responsible for almost all of the growth in global ad spend. We forecast it to grow at an average rate of 32 percent a year between 2015 and 2018, and to contribute 87 percent of all of the new ad dollars added to the global market during these years.

ZenithOptimedia forecasts desktop internet advertising to peak at USD 114 billion in 2017, before falling back slightly to USD 113 billion in 2018, as ad spend migrates from desktop to mobile.

Programmatic To Be 60% of Digital
Programmatic advertising will account for more than half of digital display advertising (53 percent ) for the first time this year, and will increase its share to 60 percent in 2016, according to ZenithOptimedia’s new Programmatic Marketing Forecasts. Programmatic advertising has risen to dominate the digital display market in just a few years, having accounted for just 12 percent of display ad spend in 2012.

Internet To Overtake TV
Television is currently the dominant advertising medium, with a 38 percent share of total ad spend in 2015. In 2018, however, it is expected that the internet will overtake television to become the largest single advertising medium.

Audiovisual Critical To Brand
Audiovisual advertising as a whole – television plus online video – is gaining share of display advertising. It is estimated that audiovisual advertising will account for a record 48.4 percent of display advertising in 2015, up from 44.1 percent in 2010, and expect its share to reach 48.9 percent in 2018.

Digital Editions Are Here
Advertising in printed magazines is in decline across most of the world. In the US, we forecast print magazine ad revenues to shrink 1.8 percent in 2016. However, ZenithOptimedia estimates that US magazine publishers generate 20 percent of their revenues from digital editions, and these revenues are growing rapidly.

“Growth of the global ad market is being driven by advances in technology, especially mobile and programmatic tech. But television remains by far the most important channel for brand communication, and online video, its digital offshoot, is increasing the audiovisual share of global display advertising,” commented Steve King, CEO, ZenithOptimedia Worldwide.

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