Startup Secrets: Top Tips For Entrepreneurs In UAE


The UAE entrepreneurship ecosystem has swiftly increased in the last couple of years. Today’s young entrepreneurs across the country are heroes in their own right. From being interviewed by leading newspapers and magazines to having thousands of social media followers around the globe, these ‘heroes’ have carved their own paths to success.

But there are some secrets that can lead to this. These include:
Be Positive
A positive attitude will allow you to go above and beyond. It will help you succeed on projects and meet goals.

Build A Business Plan
If you’re just starting out, a well-thought-out business plan is extremely important. Do all the necessary research right from the beginning, organize and plan your priorities. Business plans give you a clear understanding of how your business is put together.

Find The Right Resources
Once you are ready to take the leap and establish a business; you will require the right advice, resources and support. Incubator programs such as The (W)hole by ShjSEEN, an initiative by Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, can help get your startup off the ground. It provides ongoing assistance to startups throughout their first and second year of operation and covers operational costs such as office rental costs and licensing fees.

Manage Your Finances
One of the major reasons for a start-up to fail is cash-flow. You must learn how to manage your finances if you want your business to go beyond the startup phase – this means budgeting for growth and not just initial costs.

Help Others
The best way to achieve success is through helping others in meaningful ways. Go out of your way to help a deserving individual; seeing others do well will motivate you to do the same.

Hard Work
There are no shortcuts to success; in fact shortcuts only cause longer delays. Success comes to those who put in the hard work. Use your strong drive put everything you got into your goal.

Be Passionate & Strong-Willed
The only way to do great work and shine is to love what you do. Be genuinely passionate towards your goal. Life isn’t always easy or fair, and to overcome these obstacles you will need a strong mind. If you have a strong desire to succeed there is no limit to what you can achieve.

Small or big, networking is crucial for all businesses. Attend networking events around you and meet people from different experience levels and backgrounds. Take advice, get inspired and expand your opportunities.

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