Middle East, like all the other third world countries, is a fast-emerging hub of multi talented developers which are looking at doing the best for the world and giving back a little to the mother nature in the form of goodness through their online portals and services.
Undoubtedly the emergence of these Middle Eastern startups is pretty much the Silicon Valley of these countries wherein the internet usage is catching up fast with the modern tech savvy generation. They are also nature conscious and are trying to give back to the mother nature in one form or the other. Certain startups that one needs to look at in the Middle East are mentioned here. These startups have a uniqueness accessibility of the reach of the internet. These startups are an eye-catcher and enthusiastic moves for the gen-Y.
#1. eDesk HUB
‘Discover top companies for your project needs, find the perfect match and lead your project to success’ is the motto of eDesk HUB and true to its motto it has been helping IT services firms to experience a tangential growth with esteemed projects by providing apt references, research and reviews on high quality web & mobile application development as well as digital marketing.
It’s a challenge to locate a service provider who truly meets your business and procurement objectives. This can be especially challenging in web, mobile, software, digital and cloud computing services where anybody can label themselves ‘experts.’ That’s the conundrum eDesk HUB solves – by gathering user reviews and ratings, eDesk HUB offers clarity for companies looking for digital providers that run the gamut from development to marketing.
#2. Wepul
‘Doing fun new things are what we’re all about. Break the routine, surprise yourself. Do it all super cheap and on your doorstep.’ This is what wepul stands to offer, isn’t it interesting how one can get access to all the good things in their life without too much ado. Wepul is a domain that believes in sharing one’s passion for certain skills and imparting that knowledge to all the ones in need. The best part of this domain is that it has the upper hand in determining the price for the skills offered by the trainer that is beneficial for both the trainer and the trainee.
#3. Dumyé
‘For every doll purchased a doll is gifted to an orphan’. That’s the noblest thought that anyone could ever come across. Dumyé is a start-up that makes eco-friendly dolls and other handcrafted dolls from different techniques that are losing its charm in this virtual world thereby contributing to the society with an art to be preserved and being the pioneers in it. Dumyé is trying to keep the old tradition intact along with doing their little part in providing smiles to the grief-stricken orphans by donating a doll to an orphan for every doll purchased by the users. They even allow the online visitors to contribute their ideas and customize the doll that they want. It’s amazing to get your child a doll that shares her looks and personality along with the benefit of being handcrafted with love and not by plastics that are health hazards.
#4. Unveil Arabia
In being true to its brand name, unveil Arabia is all about having fun and exploring UAE at its best. It is a novel initiative taken by this UAE tour company that promotes sustainable tourism along with offering special packages of preferred tourism to its guests. Unveil Arabia offers special environmental tours to people to help promote and educate people how to sustain organically in this fast pace changing a world. They offer tours ranging from 1-day exclusive tours to a package of exclusive monthly, fortnightly tours as well. These tours range from being bliss for the tranquil lovers in the most exotic spas and the shopping arcades to the one to cater to the high-octane adrenaline junkies who can opt for the adventure tour and be high on adrenaline. They have something for everyone who believes in having fun during holidays.
#5. Careem
Well, whenever going for a trip, one thing that bothers people most is transport services. To cater to that hindrance, Careem steps in. Careem is an eminent transport service that is safe, convenient and caters to one’s personal preferences as well. Careems is just a click away as it is readily available on a mobile App and it also provides the travelers with the convenience to track their cab rides. Another benefit of the Careem mobile app is that it is efficiently digital and allows its travelers to make payments by credit card as well.
#6. CityAppHome
‘All you need is a click and we are here at your service!’ This is the motto of City App Home a startup available through both the digital platforms of the web and mobile service. It allows the users to find apartments and other residential places of their preference and in their budget. The users can access their services by using the app that is available both on iOS and Android phones.
#7. Cary!
As the name suggests it is a mobile-only app devised for the car fanatics who wish to sell or purchase their cars. Since the Arabs are rich people with access to cheap petrol and enormously smooth and wide roads, that affects the prices of the car directly. In this state of bigger and pricier cars comes Cary! Which is a savior of all the car buyers in certain segments, helping them buy cars that are lower in price and high on durability. The Cary app is a mobile only portal designed for the sale and advertising of the used cars at a relatively affordable price.
#8. Istikana
Jordanian based Istikana is a video sharing portal. The video content present on this website is one hundred percent official and legal thereby eliminating the practice of piracy and providing people with videos on the go. Although Istikana is not the first site streaming videos for the people it is one of the kind in catering to the Arabic viewers when it comes to the provision of videos of different genres catering to the demands of both children and the adults. It also boasts about the older content which is not available with other portals takes one down the memory lane and feel nostalgic about their childhood. Istikana is available both on iOS and Android devices.
#9. Cashbury
Loyalty cards have been there in the market and will always be there for a generation to come. Cashbury is worthy of an eye keeping start up in the Middle Eastern market. Cashbury is an innovative app to use your loyalty cards by connecting them with this Smartphone app. Cashbury provides the business owners with the opportunity to attach their memberships with this app at a minimal cost of $9 and enjoy the benefits and privileges of the royalty cards without being hassled to carry them everywhere and every time in your wallet. Isn’t it a smart move?
#10. Gonabit/livingsocial
Group coupons or more technically called is the word Groupon, it caters to the buying capacity of a group along with providing them with worthy benefits. Gonabit now living social is the first company in the Middle Eastern group to introduce people to the crazy benefits of group buying. Gonabit started its base from Dubai and now boasts of expansion into many cities across the middle east. Also, Gonabit has an impressive firsts feathers in its cap. It was the first Groupon system to break in several markets like Kuwait, Jordan, and Lebanon. Also, it is the first app to offer an Arabic interface to its users. Also, Gonabit offers a daily deal to its customers that differs from city to city and is a craze among youngsters.
#11. Talabat
Talabat.com is the online destination to your favorite restaurants. It is based in Kuwait operating across 7 countries: Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Jordan.
Talabat main aim is to become and remain the market leader in the MENA region by diversifying their services portfolio and providing best-in-class customer experience. Mohammed Jaffar, the owner of Talabat sold it for $200 million to Rocket Internet, German ecommerce group. After Talabat’s big sale investors in the west have higher interests in Kuwait and MENA region when it comes to investing.
#12. Aqar Map
Aqar Map is a realty based website available to the Middle Eastern customers that help in finding their dream home in the required budget. It also caters to the individuals who want to rent an accommodation in their favorable vicinity. One can search for apartments, Villas and prosperous land deals in the suburban areas. The search results are keyword based and can be easily filtered per the wishes of the user if he is buying or renting. This website helps in bringing the user and the supplier together by eliminating the middleman thereby saving money to both the parties. It also enables the sellers and the landlords to put the upfront real images on the site thereby increasing the chances of getting a deal closed as early and as authentically as possible.
This brings us to the conclusion that the Middle East is a promising and fast emerging hub and is certainly a great market for investments and is inspiring many big companies to come and invest in the new age, enthusiastic and motivated hub of information that rightly is Middle East and that too with no more fear.