In today’s world we’re all having to learn how to cope with the pace of change and how to respond. The pace of change is something that – as consumers – we adopt without blinking but as businesses, we get stuck with the legacy of yesteryear.
This is why adaptation is key and one of the fastest ways to grow is to understand the psychology of people and trends across this distinct and exciting region.
The region is exciting but without a sense of purpose it’s easy to drift rather than drive. The only way to drive in the right direction is to find a meaning to what you do. And then to fight for a way forward, fight until you win; fight like a gladiator.
There are distractions along the path to success. Businesses are believing their own hype and thinking that they can be more to consumers than will ever possible. No one really wants a relationship with their toothpaste. Let’s be realistic about brand building.
So, to be successful let’s make sure our glass is half-full; we need to embrace the future in a positive way or change will take place and we’ll be stuck looking at that legacy of yesteryear.
With technology shaping the future, we can dwell on the benefits of virtual reality and of augmented reality. But these are just the machinations that we are experimenting with today. These will add to our lives, these are taking us to a new place, a new humanity, an augmented humanity.
Here in Dubai, we’re driving forward faster than many can. We can implement the hyperloop where others have just ‘talked’ about it. This is a city committed to change, growth, security, peace and, of course, digital.
And the way to keep up is to start young. The faster you start, the more you’ll impact change.
The leaders in #OnTheCouchWith – Episode One – Augmented Humanity all urge us to keep nimble and to learn to look round corners. Little did we know that thought leaders today think (out loud) in such soundbites.
With thanks to all those who took part in the #onthecouchwith series, to IKON HOUSE and to the teams at WOW, ORCHESTRA and THE ARABIAN MARKETER.