The ironical week comes to an end, where world’s happiness day was celebrated with hashtags such as #InternationalDayOfHappiness and #اليوم_العالمي_للسعاده only to be followed by the unfortunate crash of Fly Dubai plane while attempting to land in Russia killing around 62 passengers and crew members. The hashtag #FlyDubai spread all over the twitter with discussions on who is to be blamed for the tragic accident. Needless to say the discussions are still going on.
Another disaster seen this week was the explosion in Brussels. In the wake of the explosions, people took to social media to show solidarity and the term #JeSuisBruxelles trended for much of the day on Twitter. Other hashtags such as #Brussels, #BrusselsAttacks and #بلجيكا were also trending to condemn the attacks. Monuments such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, World Trade Center in US and Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and many others were illuminated in the colors of the Belgian Flag to mourn for the victims. Facebook also activated its feature of ‘safety check’ for people in Brussels to inform friends and family about their safety.
Moving on to happier trends during the week; this week we celebrated Mother’s Day on twitter, using hashtags such as #عيد_الام and #يوم_الام. Many ads were also released as a part of the celebration but my favorite one remains the Nivea ad #MomWasRight.
Sports has been in the top trending list as always. With the cricket T20 World Cup taking place, a lot of cricket has been trending. The cricket match that trended the most was Saturday’s match between arch rivals India and Pakistan #IndvsPak as well as the nail-biting thriller that took place last night between India and Bangladesh #IndvsBan. Despite this, two big soccer matches that trended this week were Barcelona vs Villareal #برشلونه_فياريال and Manchester City vs Manchester United.
This week we also celebrated 10 years of twitter. The #LoveTwitter started trending as soon as Twitter uploaded its 10 year anniversary video, with Twitteratis sharing their stories of how twitter has changed their lives.